Sherri and I just got back from Old Sacramento. We saw Louie C. K. at the Punch Line last night, and it was about the funniest show we've ever seen. Louie tells jokes about his life, his marriage, and does a lot of self reflection and introspection which is what makes his act so funny. He tells it like it is, and he is just a regular guy, so I relate to his humor, and I think pretty much anybody my age could. Anyway, we approached him after the show and talked to him for a minute. We found out that his show on HBO, Lucky Louie, is not going to stay on the air for another season, which is ridiculous since it is the best sitcom ever made. He said, "What are you gonna do?" and seemed to be taking it in stride. I got my picture taken with him, and got his autograph, and we said thanks and goodnight.

We went back to the Delta King, sat on the deck and drank some good wine, and talked about the stuff Louie talked about, like a time when he cut a guy off in traffic and got chased down by the guy who pulled up next to him at the next red light and told him to "suck a bag of dicks." He riffed on that for a while, saying stuff like, "What does that mean? How do you picture that? Is it a plastic ziplock bag with a bunch of dicks in it like chicken parts? Do I put the whole bag up to my mouth and suck the side of the bag, or do I take each one out, suck it, then toss it aside into a pile like a bunch of edamame pods? Or is it a paper bag with a bunch of dried up dicks that you buy from some Chinese guy on the street? Gimme one of those long red ones hanging up there... are they all in a paper bag, like a bunch of baguettes sticking out the top? Do I have to make them all come?" He just kept going, and the whole audience was cracking up. He went on to talk about what his sex life is like now that he and his wife have two kids, what he would do if he had 55 billion dollars like Bill Gates, and lots of other stuff.

So, we were still talking about him today when we were walking around Sacramento checking out the capitol and the stupid K street mall waiting for the sushi place to open, and after we ate lunch and were about cross the crosswalk back to the parking lot to get the car and drive back to Stockton, we looked up and saw Louie crossing the street towards us! I said,"Is that Louie?Hey, we saw you last night." He said, "Yeah, I remember." We talked to him for a few minutes and Sherri asked if he'd pose with her for a picture and he said, "Sure." It was a trip! He is such a cool dude, and I really think he's about the funniest guy going these days. I signed a
petition on line and wrote to
HBO to try to save the Lucky Louie show from going off the air. What a great time we had!