Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Camping at New Melones

Our overnight trip to New Melones "Glory Hole" Recreation Area was, in the words of Borat, a great success. Sherri was bitten by the mountain biking bug, and I was just bitten by bugs. The boys said they liked swimming and skipping rocks more than bike riding, but they still rode and had fun. The VW made it there and back, although we had to let faster cars go around. On the way there, a truck was riding us and Sherri thought they were mad we were going too slow, then when they passed and waved, we saw that it was Mrs. Villines, Saul's kindergarten teacher who ended up camping at the same place where we camped. After the riding and camping, we stopped at our favorite pizza parlor in Angel's Camp, Mike's, and had pizza and salad. The boys fell asleep on the way home. I hope we do a lot more of this in the near future because it was so much fun.

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